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Discovering Christ Episcopal Church for the first time?

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the dress?

We are mostly casual. Some like to dress up. You might think of it as dressing for a meal with a friend.

Where can I park?

Cars and golf carts can be parked on the street.

What about children?

Your children and grandchildren are welcome to stay with you during worship. Episcopal worship is active. There’s lots to see, hear, and opportunities to move our bodies.

Where’s the church?

At the corner of Mulberry and 3rd Street, two blocks north of Main on Mulberry, the east end of the historic district.

What if stairs are an issue?

Enter the Garden from 3rd Street, behind the big house. The Garden is on one level. You can get to your pew without any stairs.

How long are services?

A service of Holy Communion is about an hour. Allow 15 more minutes on special holidays like Christmas and Easter. Morning prayer is about 45 minutes. Evensong is 30 minutes.

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